Preventing Rollover Accidents

What could be more terrifying than being involved in an accident that causes your vehicle to flip upside down? One thing comes to mind: having your vehicle flip upside down in flames, water, or both. Any such accident is likely to result in serious injuries or death. If you or a loved one has been involved in such a tragedy due to no fault of your own, the assistance of a local personal injury attorney could make the days ahead a little less devastating.
Local Story
While it may be comforting to believe that these kinds of accidents only happen to other people, the fact of the matter is Marylanders are just as susceptible to catastrophe as anyone else. That was certainly the case when two adults had to be extricated from a vehicle that had spun out of control and landed tires-in-the-air, with the roof of the SUV submerged in a canal in the Great Falls area of Maryland. Both men in the vehicle were hospitalized, one in a trauma unit.
What Causes Rollovers?
Accidents are often the culmination of a number of factors that convene to create a dangerous clash. Rollover incidents are no exception. Some of the issues with the potential to contribute to this type of incident include:
- Shape of vehicle: Vans, SUV’s, and pickup trucks are much more susceptible to rollover accidents because their center of gravity is higher, making it easier to come off balance;
- High speeds: Four in ten fatal rollover incidents are related to high speeds. In fact, almost 75 percent of such crashes occur on roads with posted speed limits exceeding 50 mph;
- Roadway: Rural roads that lack barriers and are undivided tend to be the most common location for rollover accidents, particularly when fatalities are involved.
- Driver error: Small errors by motorists are at least partly responsible for many, many accidents. Whether the issue is speed, distractions, inebriation, or unfamiliarity with the roadway, drivers often are the root of the problem in these, and other types of accidents;
- Drugs and/or alcohol: The surprising fact is, alcohol is a factor in just under half of all rollover collisions. Whether a driver’s blood alcohol level exceeds legal limits or not, it is a well-known and undisputed fact that alcohol and other drugs can affect a driver’s reaction time, motor skills, coordination, vision, and judgment.
Prevention is Key
Responsible drivers know their vehicles, follow laws, drive sober, and avoid distractions. In the event you come across a driver who chooses not to take the obligation to drive conscientiously seriously, and it winds up causing you or a loved one serious harm, the experienced Baltimore car accident attorneys at the Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes can help. Contact our office to schedule a confidential consultation today.