Domestic Violence Takes Lives in Maryland

When Kaylyn High stepped up to help her friend escape a physical conflict with an aggressive lover, she surely did not know that her intervention would result in her own untimely death. But when the spurned lover pulled out a gun, it was Kaylyn who was shot in the head as the women sped away in a vehicle. She was the accidental victim, taking a bullet that was intended for her terrified girlfriend. It was another tragic ending to a tale of domestic violence, a tale that unravels with a multitude of plot lines but with the same awful conclusions again and again across the nation: brutality, fear, and all too often, death. If you or a loved one has suffered at the hands of a violent lover or spouse, an experienced local attorney may be able to help.
The Hard Facts
Nationally, domestic violence is a serious problem, one that is frequently shrouded in shame and secrecy. The numbers tell the story:
- Somewhere in this country, a woman suffers a physical assault every nine seconds;
- 85 percent of victims of domestic violence are females;
- 25 percent of women in America will be the victim of domestic violence sometime during their lives;
- Nearly one-fifth of murders in the United States are a result of conflicts between intimate partners, and two-thirds of those deaths are women;
- Half of all homeless women state that domestic violence is a key factor contributing to their situations;
- Among homeless families, domestic violence is listed as number three in rank of issues impacting their homelessness;
- Well over 3 million children are witnesses to violent incidents against their mothers or caretakers annually;
- As many as 60 percent of men who harm women also abuse children.
Predicting Violence
Although domestic violence can and does occur in homes across the spectrum of society, there are predictive indicators that lead us to understand where the majority of issues occur. Sociologists have studied abusers in order to understand and predict who is most at risk of becoming an abuser. Statistically speaking, the key indicators include:
- Socio economic status;
- Unemployment or underemployment;
- History of witnessing or suffering abuse as a child;
- Mental health issues;
- Substance abuse;
- Socialization regarding the acceptability of physical abuse.
Breaking Free
A skilled Baltimore family lawyer at the Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes, LLC, can help you escape a perilous and terrifying situation. Whether you are dealing with stalking, emotional abuse, or physical abuse, we can assist with obtaining a protective order, with keeping it in place, and with directing you toward other essential services. We have connections with medical providers and safe temporary refuges that you may need as you transition to a better life. Contact our office today to schedule a confidential consultation.