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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


When Tragedy Puts Your Marriage In Crisis

By Hasson D. Barnes |

When couples go through severe stress due to tragedy, they often struggle to remain grounded and connected. It might be a natural disaster that destroys everything they own, having a child die in a horrible accident, or being diagnosed with a life-changing condition—these and other events may cause spouses to wrestle with feelings of… Read More »

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Deep Fake Porn Causes Personal Injury

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Whether you love artificial intelligence (AI), hate it, or are afraid of it, it’s worth acknowledging that it is here to stay. For some, the idea that many things will become easier is thrilling– reducing errors, taking over redundant tasks, making data-based predictions, rapidly analyzing data, increasing productivity while cutting costs—these are just some… Read More »

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When Domestic Violence Includes Pet Abuse

By Hasson D. Barnes |

If you are a pet-lover, one of your best friends and sources of comfort may be a cat, dog, or other family pet. Animal lovers know that their pets provide some of the most companionable and satisfying bonds around—why else would so many treat their pets as though they are human children? So when… Read More »

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Financial Redress After A Bar Fight

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Everyone loses their cool at one time or another.  But high emotions combined with alcohol can be a tragic combination, as reports related to bar fights demonstrate: As a man was leaving a local Bethesda bar at 2:00 one morning, another individual struck him, and he tumbled to the ground. That’s when a third… Read More »

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Will Your Credit Score Survive A Divorce?

By Hasson D. Barnes |

As though divorce itself isn’t bad enough, some people discover they have an ex who has destroyed their credit rating once the final papers are signed. It could mean they no longer qualify for loans. You can avoid that fate by taking financial matters into your own hands. Organize Your Finances  While it’s always… Read More »

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Transitions In Shared Custody Situations

By Hasson D. Barnes |

If you are finding that the kids’ transitions from one parent to another is confusing and frustrating for everyone, know that the back-and-forth can be much easier. How can parents make the transition less like a ball bouncing from house to house and more like a smooth, simple part of life that is drama-free… Read More »

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Maryland Crash Data

By Hasson D. Barnes |

For anyone who feels like they are taking their life in their hands when they hit the road, they have good reason to be nervous. In just the first nine and a half months of 2024, there have been over 448 road fatalities here in the Free State. The crash data in Maryland is… Read More »

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Surgical Mistakes

By Hasson D. Barnes |

Whether an operation takes place on the wrong knee, the wrong section of the spine, or something else, when someone undergoes a surgical procedure only to discover later that the wrong part of the body was attended to, it’s absolutely bad news of the worst kind.    Medical mistakes that involve removing or operating on… Read More »

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Speeding Vehicle Runs A Light, Causing 4-Car Crash

By Hasson D. Barnes |

When a teenager sped through a red light in Baltimore, it careened into two other vehicles, one of which smashed into a fourth. Sadly, the teen was killed in the crash, and two other individuals had to be hospitalized. When a tragedy like this occurs, there are no winners.  What recourse do victims of… Read More »

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Youth Sports And Concussions

By Hasson D. Barnes |

In the NFL, concussions are so commonplace that there were over $500 million in claims over the past two years. After completing a baseline health assessment, players may be eligible for compensation for up to 60 years if they later acquire a qualifying condition such as dementia, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or other issues related… Read More »

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