Women, Infidelity, And Divorce

If you recently discovered that your wife has been unfaithful, it may have come as quite a blow. If she also announced that she would like to divorce, the shock may be intense. In fact, women’s behavior follows a relatively predictable pattern when it comes to infidelity and divorce, and chances are you had no idea what was afoot for quite some time.
Women’s Infidelity
You are heartbroken right now, and don’t know where to turn. Possibly gaining some understanding into women and infidelity will help you to move on. Women’s infidelity, in fact, is a pervasive issue in this country, and the notion that the sexual nature of women is ostensibly off limits in polite conversation doesn’t help. But we know that women initiate three out of every four divorces in the United States, making the topic worth investigating. That exploration begins with understanding the stages women go through during long-term relationships.
Stage One starts about four years into a relationship and is exemplified by a sense that something is missing in their lives. Even though on paper things look flawless, life is simply not satisfying. Women feel their loss of interest in sex, combined with the myriad excuses to avoid it, are signs that there’s something wrong with themselves. On top of that, many women start to feel that their husbands are holding them back or just not championing them as individuals any longer.
Stage Two involves a resurgence of sexual desire, but that yearning is outside the marriage. Whether or not they act on those desires, women tend to feel guilty about having even an emotional connection with someone else. They may then try to pull closer to their husbands, ultimately finding that the relationship simply doesn’t connect anymore. That turns into justification to look elsewhere for satisfaction.
Stage Three frequently involves affairs and deliberations about divorce. Although women may experience guilt over wounding their husbands, they nevertheless feel an almost hypnotic attraction to a new lover. Even when their husbands make genuine efforts to improve the relationship, women feel a need to “find themselves.” They may or may not continue having an affair—but either way, they want to explore a newfound sense of empowerment.
Stage Four is when things come to a head. While some women remain in multiple relationships while continuing their marriages, others choose to settle into a single relationship with either a new lover, or with their husbands. It’s possible they experience guilt and regret. Husbands may be painfully licking their wounds as they try to repair a broken marriage, or may have moved on to have their own affairs. Couples have to decide if having a healthy marriage that meets the needs of each person may be attainable and worth fighting for, or if it’s an impossibility. If divorce is the chosen route, having an experienced divorce attorney on your side is essential for the best outcomes.
Fighting for You
At The Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes our dedicated Baltimore family attorneys always fight to achieve the goals of our clients. If you’re headed for divorce, we can help. Schedule a confidential consultation in our Baltimore office today to discuss your situation.