Will Your Marriage End Along With The Pandemic?

The expected surge of divorce that was predicted by many due to the strains of the pandemic never did occur. In fact, just the opposite was true across the country, as divorce numbers sharply declined throughout 2020 according to a study by Bowling Green University. More than 300,000 fewer couples split up than statistically anticipated. The numbers have sociologists wondering why the decline in divorce throughout the country last year, and what we have to look forward to in the coming months and years.
Explanations for Surprising Statistics
Surely, experts forecasted, the unprecedented strains associated with the pandemic would cause more and more couples to call it quits! After all, people were losing jobs left and right, many schools were shuttered, leaving parents to balance on-line schooling with the rest of their responsibilities. And couples were necessarily spending more time locked down together. Surely, the impacts on relationships would be harsh. As time ticks on, it appears we will find that the experts were not wrong about the hardships families suffered, or about the wear and tear on relationships. Some of the very factors that stressed relationships, in fact, are what forced couples to stay together during the tough times:
- Money: Getting a divorce costs money, and with one or both partners out of work, that was in short supply for many couples. Even if the divorce itself were affordable, the uncertain economy likely made couple think twice about trying to afford two separate households;
- Custody Issues: With school closures a reality across the nation, custody and visitation issues became significantly more complex for working parents;
- Job Security: With so many workers unsure of whether or not they’d be getting a paycheck next month, trying to iron out financial settlements became precarious at best;
- Office Closures: Access to divorce itself was often minimized as government offices shut down, scaled back hours, and asked the public to distance themselves as much as possible.
Family Issues Compounded
The pandemic certainly took its toll on families. Particularly for couples whose relationships were on the rocks to begin with, the added pressure of losing loved ones, decreased incomes, and forced time together became a genuine trial. Although sociologists believe people were more cautious in their decision-making during the height of the pandemic, some individuals may see an opportunity to move on as things lighten up across the country.
Post-Pandemic Decisions
As communities experience the lifting of quarantines, reduced health risks, and the return to in-person schooling, some believe we will see significant fallout from the pandemic. While many families pulled together to survive tough times, others fell apart. An expected surge of divorces may loom in the coming months.
Is Divorce the Right Move?
Only you can decide if now is the time to cut your losses and move your life in another direction. If the pandemic revealed that life just was working, perhaps divorce is the right answer for you. At the Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes, our Baltimore divorce lawyers will listen to your objectives and work to ensure the best possible outcomes in your divorce. Schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.