Injured In A Motorcycle Accident?

He was only 21 years old, much too young to die. No parent should ever have to bury their child, yet Jacob Ryan Parks was killed in an early morning collision in Reisterstown. The collision with a Chevrolet passenger vehicle did not cause injuries for the driver of the car. While no culpability for this accident has yet been established, the consequences of the accident remain dire. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver’s recklessness or negligence, having an aggressive personal injury attorney fighting for your rights could be a smart move.
Crash Statistics
There’s no question that motorcycles provide a certain level of excitement that no other form of transportation can match. Unfortunately, the same factors that make biking so thrilling also make it much more dangerous than traveling in a typical passenger vehicle. With no protective features like roll bars, air bags, or even doors, the human body has to battle it out with solid steel, concrete, asphalt, and other materials every time an accident occurs. Furthermore, low visibility puts motorcyclists at even greater peril on the road. These vulnerabilities, along with road and weather conditions, make riding a motorcycle more dangerous than other forms of travel. The national statistics back this up. Consider a list of facts that emerged from a 2017 study:
- Roughly 90,000 motorcyclists experienced injuries due to accidents;
- More than 5,000 motorcycle accidents occurred that resulted in fatalities;
- More than one in five motorcycle fatalities occurred between 3-9:00 p.m.;
- About 30 percent of fatal motorcycle accidents involved alcohol impairment.
- 75 percent of motorcycle accidents involving other vehicles were front impact;
- Just 7 percent of collisions involving motorcycles were rear impact;
- Motorcyclists being struck while making left turns account for over 40 percent of two-vehicle motorcycle accidents;
- Over 20 percent of two-vehicle accidents occurred when both vehicles were going straight;
- Motorcycle speed is cited as a factor in 30 percent of accidents;
- Nearly 40 percent of fatal incidents involved passenger cars, light-trucks, and large trucks that were traveling above posted speed limits.
- Roughly 30 percent of fatal accidents involved motorcycle riders who did not hold a valid motorcycle license;
- More than one in ten of these accidents involved passenger vehicles with drivers who did not have a valid license;
- Motorcycle riders with previous driving issues such as collisions, DUI, and license revocation were more likely than other riders to be involved in a fatal accident.
Do Helmets Save Lives?
Nearly 2,000 persons outlived what likely otherwise would have been fatal accidents because they were wearing a helmet. An additional 700+ might still be alive had simply made the decision to strap one on. The fact is, studies show that wearing a helmet can improve a rider’s chance of surviving an accident by 37 percent. It seems worth the trouble, doesn’t it? The data is inarguable.
After an Accident
If you have been involved in a serious motorcycle accident, or know someone who has, you know that the outcomes can be devastating. At The Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes, LLC, our Baltimore motorcycle accident attorneys appreciate your situation, and are prepared to help. It’s fully conceivable that you are entitled to compensation. Contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation.